10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Me

Time to get a little personal…personal (in a singing voice)  :grins:

  1. I am the youngest of seven children. I have three older brothers, and three older sisters. My mom had me when she was in her early 40s back in the 1980s. I have wondered if I was that oops baby. For the most part I love having a large family, there is nothing like sibling love. But, if I am to be honest, it definitely isn’t all rainbows and roses. I am partly estranged from half of them…
  2. I am Chinese. My parents were born and raised in Vietnam but were of Chinese descent. They immigrated to the U.S. in the 80s and had me. I can understand most Cantonese but my ability to speak is not so great. It is kind of like a Changlish with a drop of Vietnamese here and there.
  3. I love fruits and veggies. I grew up eating lots of fruits and veggies. My father loved to garden and grew lots of different plants (e.g. oranges, pears, melons, pineapple, and all different choys aka any green leafy vegetable).
  4. I have had fur babies all my life. In fact, my sister and I were trying to count how many pets we had growing up, and the consensus for me was 20. I currently have one dog and one cat. Lola and Walle respectively. Lola is a very very old Shih-Tzu, and Walle is a very nosey-naughty cat-dog.
  5. I grew up very poor. Our family did not have much money growing up…especially with 7 mouths to feed in a foreign country. I can vividly remember not having hot water or food on the table many nights. But I know my parents did their very best, and when I think about all that they went through, taking boats, planes to foreign places where they did not understand the language nor had any money or plans just to provide a better life for their children is so damn admirable. It honestly makes my heart swell and my eyes tear.
  6. I have this weird reflex. If wind is blown directly into my face, I stop breathing for like two seconds. Unfortunately, this is not a joke. There have been legit times where I am making a left hand turn with my window down and then the wind will hit my face just right, and BAM! My breath gets taken away. If anyone knows why this is or better yet, how to fix this…I would very much appreciate it.
  7. I do not like water. Nope. Don’t ask me to go swimming, don’t ask me to go inside a lake, and definitely don’t ask me to get in the ocean past my knees. Thanks. Edit: I have done all of these things, but begrudgingly. 
  8. I am an introvert. If you know me in person, then you know this. I like my alone time, that’s how I reboot. I can “be extrovertedly” when necessary but better believe I am drained by the end of the day.
  9. I am pretty petite. I stand just shy of 5’ and weigh about 100lbs. I used to get made fun of for being so short in school, surprise surprise. Kids make fun of anything. I could care less these days but I would be lying if I didn’t fantasize of what it would be like to just be four inches taller. Oh how shopping for pants and rompers would be. Sigh. But on a more serious note, sometimes I get these fleeting moments where I feel inferior to my peers if I am shorter. Don’t get me wrong, I love my body and how I look but you get what I mean, right?
  10. I have a potty mouth. Like, really bad. I don’t know what it is but I curse. I curse a lot. In writing this, my fingers have bleeped out so many colorful words, you just don’t even know. 😉 


Well, there you have it guys. Ten things you now know about me. Hope this was amusing to some degree… What’s something most people do not know about you?