13 Must-Haves Every Busy Mom Needs

As a mom, your life gets busy. Whether you work outside of the home, inside of the home, or both, you are constantly juggling multiple things at once–your house duties, baby duties, work duties…some days it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. At least, it does for me.

I am a work-at-home-mom (WAHM). I mostly stay at home with my girl (something I am very blessed to be able to do), but I also run a counseling program for a non-profit, teach psychology to college students, practice counseling, and blog. It can be a lot, but I LOVE all of it. And I wouldn’t change anything about it. So, anything to make my life easier is something I am willing to explore.

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Here are 13 things that has made my life easier that I think some of you could also benefit from:

  1. HEADPHONE ORGANIZER I can’t tell you how many times I have fumbled with my headphones trying to untangle them to answer a call or listen to some music. This inexpensive headphone organizer does the trick and comes in cute colors!

  2. REVLON HAIR BRUSH DRYER When I first saw another mom rave about this, I was skeptical and thought it was gimmicky. But boy am I glad I was wrong. This thing is life changing! I can dry and style my hair in one go, and my hair looks so quaff within 10 mins!

  3. LEGGINGS WITH POCKETS Do I need to say more? Every mom has a pair or two, or six of these and the pockets make running around easy. You can put your phone, card, and keys in them, so your hands are free to wrangle, I mean hold your child.
  4. STARBUCKS READY BREW COFFEE I don’t know about you, but hot coffee seems like a unicorn these days. This actually tastes like the drinks from Starbucks and you can have it hot or cold!
  5. NOT YOUR MOTHER’S DRY SHAMPOO So, I naturally have oily hair, and need to wash every day or every other day. But who has time for this?? NOT ME. Even with the revlon hair brush dryer, I am not one to want to style every single day. Now I can go 2-3 days and LOOK put together. Just don’t touch it.
  6. GYMBOSS TIMER I wholeheartedly believe that working out should be prioritized. Now, I am not perfect and there are days where I don’t but those are usually when I am sick or physically unable to. I am also not one to go to the gym and work out for an hour either. I like short, intense workouts that will give me that good-feeling afterwards. This timer makes it possible for me to do this from the comforts of my own home. I usually do 50 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest for a total of 12-15 minutes each morning. 

  7. BULLET JOURNAL (BUJO) I need a way to organize my life, and my bujo lets me do just that. I use a blank dotted journal (like this one) and create my monthly and weekly spreads, the flexibility allows me to create what suits my life at the moment. It isn’t for everyone but it works for me because I can make lists, draw out plans, record important things anywhere without having multiple notebooks and planners to tote around. 
  8. BLOCK SCHEDULER On top of my bujo, I find using block scheduling a necessity when it comes to organizing my time life so that I can get my tasks done. I first learned about block scheduling when I was in grad school and it was a life saver. You essentially block off time slots for specific tasks, like house chores, meal planning, work stuff, anything you can imagine. but I even use it to visualize my entire day, like when I have me time, when I can do house things, when I spend undivided baby time. Of course, my days don’t always follow this strict timeline but having a guide definitely helps me to keep on track on what is important to me.
  9. OIL DIFFUSER Now I won’t get all earthy crunchy here but I do use an oil diffuser to help me have a better night’s rest. I diffuse lavender as I lay down for bed and I have noticed my sleep is of better quality. I have actually been able to sleep less but better, giving me more time to get stuff done.

  10. SILICONE RING This may sound minuscule but wearing this instead of my wedding ring has made things bit easier. I used to get my ring caught on stuff and worried about it getting too dirty cleaning or doing projects, so I would constantly take it off and put it back on, which I almost lost one day in a parking lot! Plus, these rings are cheap and come it cute colors/designs. Both my husband and I rock these, and we love them.
  11. POP SOCKET Now I know what you are thinking, we aren’t 16! But let me tell you how much it has made a difference. I use my phone a good bit, for work, for entertainment, for socializing (I FaceTime and Skype A LOT to stay in touch with people), for shopping (ahem) Amazon, and it makes holding my phone so much easier. No more weird indentation on my pinky!
  12. GROCERY PICK UP This isn’t technically a “thing”, but more of a service. A direly needed service. I shop at Harris Teeter and love that I can do that from my phone and pick it up curbside. I would also mention delivery services but I use it VERY sparingly as they mark up items to compensate for the fees.
  13. GOOD WATER BOTTLE I can’t stress how important it is to drink plenty of water. But sometimes you just don’t have time or you forget while doing a million things. I find having a highly accessible yet portable water bottle to be key. You don’t worry about it spilling and it requires minimal effort! I like ones with straws because I don’t have to “open” anything, but they aren’t entirely spill proof. If y’all have any suggestions on water bottles, I would love to know!


I would love to hear what you must-haves are. Leave a comment below! 

xx, Mary